Our Business is Marketing Your Business Online


Search Engine Optimization is not as straight forward as it used to be. It’s not just a matter of putting in keywords and directing people to your website. Due to the effectiveness of top search engine results, there is a massive amount of competition to rank on the first page of Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Because of this competition and the competition between the search engines to be the engine of choice, they are continuously updating the algorithms to produce more relevant search results.

While the algorithms used to produce organic search engine results are kept TOP SECRET by Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines, through much research, client results, and in-house testing we work our way through the ever changing maze of achieving top results and getting your business to rank on the first page of google.

Here are a few basic tips to get you started:
1) Target long tailed keywords – The average number of words per search has increased to nearly 3.2 (as reported by comscore in 2010), additionally due to competition it is much more difficult, thus more expensive to target single keywords

2) Match targeted keyword phrases in the meta data and your text in your content.

3) Gain backlinks to your website from numerous sources (note: many blogs, discussion boards, directories, and other resources that allow you to post backlinks use a no-follow tag, which tells the search engines not to follow your link, thereby not creating any link value for your site); the more relevant the source, the more benefit the backlink will be to you. (See my article on link building to improve rank in search engines) Internal linking within your site following the same guidelines also adds benefit.

4) Use descriptive relevant text and title tags in the backlinks as well as internal linking where possible (see the link above for an example) the code for this link is <a href = “http://rbizmarketing.com/online_marketing_blogspot/?p=3”  title=” Based in Columbus Ohio, RBiZ Marketing specializes in Search Engine Optimized custom website design”>(See my article on link building to improve rank in search engines)</a>

5) Geo target – Target keyword phrases that include your service area – While the search engines are becoming more sensitive to location with features like google places, many people will enter a city, state, or area name in their search in order to gain more relevant results.

6) Utilize a blog – Blogging gives you the opportunity to continuously add new relevant content without requiring you to completely redesign or rewrite your website. Be sure to add tags for relevant keywords and phrases. It also provides a step into social media marketing which is the fastest growing area of marketing.

These are a few basic website search engine optimization tips to get you started toward a website which will help to drive more customers, clients, or patients to your business.

Visit my online marketing, website design, search engine optimization, and social media marketing website at rbizmarketing.com to learn how we can help your business get ranked on the first page of Google.